Anglican Missal

The Anglican Missal is a liturgical book often used at Mass by Anglo-Catholics and other High Church Anglicans instead of the Book of Common Prayer.



The Anglican Missal was first produced in England in 1921 by the Society of Saints Peter and Paul. The book reflected a particular way, drawn from the traditional Roman Rite, of celebrating the Eucharist according to Anglican liturgical use. It was brought to the United States, Canada, and other English-speaking countries over the course of the last century. In the United States, it was produced in former years by the Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation, which has sold to the Anglican Parishes Association the rights to its publication. The newer American version is not substantially different from the Gavin editions except for the fact that certain typographical errors have been corrected.

American edition

The Gavin edition of the Anglican Missal in the American Edition is in turn simply an American version of the missal produced in England. Some adjustments were needed to adapt the version from England to use in the United States, but this was all done decades ago by the Gavin Liturgical Foundation. The new American edition of the Anglican Missal still retains the three versions of the Eucharistic prayer that were in the former edition. These are the American Canon of 1928 (reated to Eucharistic Prayer I in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America), the 1549 Canon as translated and illuminated by Thomas Cranmer, and an English translation of the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I in modern Roman Catholic missals, called the "Gregorian Canon" in the Anglican Missal).


Many Anglo-Catholic parishes use the Anglican Missal, or some variation of it for the celebration of Mass. Variations include the Anglican Service Book the English Missal, A Manual of Anglo-Catholic Devotion, and the directive books A Priest's Handbook by Dennis Michno and Ceremonies of the Eucharist by Howard E. Galley.

All of these books (with the exception of Manual and Anglican Service Book) are intended primarily for celebration of the Eucharist. They contain meditations for the presiding celebrant(s) during the liturgy, and other material such as the rite for the blessing of palms on Palm Sunday, propers for special feast days, and instructions for proper ceremonial order. These books are used as a more expansively Catholic context in which to celebrate the liturgical use found in the Book of Common Prayer and related liturgical books.

Latin American edition

In Latin America, the Anglican Missal has an edition which is a version of the Anglican American Missal promoted by the Anglican Diocese of the Caribbean and New Granada (Colombia), which is the only version of the Anglican Missal in Spanish. During 1989 the present Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Province of Christ the King, Robert S. Morse, as President of the American Church Union that promotes devotion to and use of the Anglican Missal, authorized and encouraged Bishop Victor Manuel Cruz Blanco to translate, propagate and implant application of the Anglican Missal in Latin America.


Some High Church Lutheran parishes use ritual propers and directives from these books in conjunction with a form of Martin Luther's German Mass.

See also


External links